We are all delighted to be back for the 24/25 school year. We have been very busy since the start of September. Check out our beautiful art! The children from the Junior Room have been actively learning loads of new and interesting things! Cross CountryWell done to all the children who represented our school in the Cross Country Championships in Ballinrobe.
Ice Cream!Senior Tour to BaySportsTeddy Bears' PicnicGraduation6th Class MarketMarathon ResultsWe walked/ran a total of 1782 laps over Active Week. This is the same distance as approximately 8.4 marathons! Well done everyone!!!
We had a lovely musical treat on Thursday when our violinists performed beautifully for the rest of the school. Our past pupils, Conn and Daire performed too. The girls from sixth class danced. It was a fantastic afternoon!
The children from Junior Infants to Third Class had a very enjoyable trip to Wildlands in Moycullen on Wednesday. We had fantastic fun ziplining, climbing, visiting Baile Beag and following the Fairy Trail!
Congratulations to the children from second class who received the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion on Saturday. Read and Raise Fundraiser - ExtendedWe have decided to extend our Read and Raise Fundraiser by another week! Why not check out some recommendations from our "Bookflix" Wall?
As we reach the end of our first week, we are delighted with how Read and Raise is going so far! We have raised almost 50% of our target and our children have logged a total of 7673 minutes reading. The children from the Junior Room and the Middle Room had a joint reading session today. We are looking forward to smashing our target next week. Keep reading and sharing your link !!!! readandraise.ie/donation-for-institute/NzYyMA== Record Breakers!We were delighted to help Ballinrobe Community School break the World Record today!