3D Shapes
Strand: Shape and Space
Strand Unit: 3D Shapes
Strand Unit: 3D Shapes
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Weight
Strand Unit: Weight
Sixth Class made great use of the interactive white board, using it to present their projects on European countries.
We had great fun playing quizzes on the Kahoot platform on the chromebooks in Ms Geraghty's Room.
Science Week 2021
Strand: All Strands
Strand Units: All Strand Units
Strand Units: All Strand Units
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Sound
2nd and 3rd classes had great fun exploring the topic of sound. They even made their own instruments!
Strand Unit: Sound
2nd and 3rd classes had great fun exploring the topic of sound. They even made their own instruments!
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Light
We investigated the topic of light and demonstrated how white light is made up of all the different colours of the rainbow. If you were to shine white light on a red t-shirt it would appear red because it absorbs blue and green light and reflects red light so our eyes can perceive it.
We used spectroscopes to be able to see all the different kinds of light separated and we discovered that yellow light is made up of blue and green light, magenta is made up of red and blue light and cyan is made up of blue and green light. Glass prisms refract light in a certain way that splits white light into all the different colours of the rainbow.
Strand Unit: Light
We investigated the topic of light and demonstrated how white light is made up of all the different colours of the rainbow. If you were to shine white light on a red t-shirt it would appear red because it absorbs blue and green light and reflects red light so our eyes can perceive it.
We used spectroscopes to be able to see all the different kinds of light separated and we discovered that yellow light is made up of blue and green light, magenta is made up of red and blue light and cyan is made up of blue and green light. Glass prisms refract light in a certain way that splits white light into all the different colours of the rainbow.
Science Week 2019
Check out our slideshow of investigations for Science Week.
Mayo Science Week Paper Tower Challenge
Design a Tower Challenge
Mr Bourke’s room were practising today for science week “Design a Tower” challenge. There were four pupils per team. Our challenge was to build a tower in 40 minutes using ten sheets of paper and a metre of masking tape. We had to construct the tallest paper tower that could support a hard-boiled egg for 30 seconds or more.
Just before lunchtime Mr Bourke tested the towers by placing an egg on each. He, and two other judges, Fr. Declan and Ms. Muldoon decided on the winners . All teams were very good but only two teams could go to Claremorris for the final. First prize was for the sturdiest build and the winners were Adam, Danny, Shay and Ryan. The second prize was for the most innovative design and Lauren, Ava, Isabella and Hannah were the winners there.
Good luck to our two teams in Claremorris next Wednesday.
Just before lunchtime Mr Bourke tested the towers by placing an egg on each. He, and two other judges, Fr. Declan and Ms. Muldoon decided on the winners . All teams were very good but only two teams could go to Claremorris for the final. First prize was for the sturdiest build and the winners were Adam, Danny, Shay and Ryan. The second prize was for the most innovative design and Lauren, Ava, Isabella and Hannah were the winners there.
Good luck to our two teams in Claremorris next Wednesday.
Maths week
We took part in a maths quiz for Maths Week. It was great.
Hayley's Project - Eco Friendly Houses
Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Units: Environmental awareness, Science and the Environment
Strand Units: Environmental awareness, Science and the Environment
Eleanor's Project - Light
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Light
Strand Unit: Light
Ready, Set Go Maths
We were very lucky to borrow some Beebots from Mayo Educational Centre. Beebots are small floor robots that can be programmed by children. We learned how to control the robots and we could programme them to move in different directions. It was very exciting when we created a maze and then programmed the Beebots to escape from it.
STEM Showcase
On Thursday, April the 11th, the children from the three classrooms in our school had the opportunity to showcase their skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Parents and grandparents were treated to a wide range of activities, investigations and exhibits. All the pupils were more than able to showcase their skills and our visitors engaged with all our practical activities. Our showcase consisted of many different stations e.g. Shopping (with cash and credit cards) in our shop "First Class Bargains", chromatography (creeping colours), testing for the presence of starch, lava lamps, round tower structures, models of a car park and working traffic lights, circuit building with battery, wire and bulb (true or false game), bouncing eggs, magnetic and non-magnetic materials, acrobatic clowns, levers, quenching candles, construction (lego), live demonstration of our STEM page, sand timers, paper cup telephones, parachutes, potatoes, carrots,strawberries and card games. Please browse our slideshow to see photos from this very enjoyable afternoon.
Digital School of Distinction flag
Our school has received a “Digital School of Distinction” flag! A lady called Therese came to see how well we are using technology in our lessons. We showed her all the things we do with our ipads and laptops. She saw how we use apps and programs to help us to learn e.g. Class Dojo, Google Suite, Google Docs, Gmail, Kahoot, Kahn Academy, IXL, Seesaw and many more. We showed her our projects and slideshows. Not many schools have this flag so the next time you are passing our school, keep an eye out for it.
Strand: Forces
Strand Unit: Designing and Making, Investigating and Experimenting
Strand Unit: Designing and Making, Investigating and Experimenting
The children in Ms. Muldoon's room experimented with levers by making a dog They were able to stick the dog's tongue and tail in and out by means of a lever.
STEPS Young Engineers Award
Well done to our young engineers who were shortlisted for the STEPS Young Engineers Award.
The Lifecycle of the Frog
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals - Variety and characteristics of living things,
Processes of Life
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals - Variety and characteristics of living things,
Processes of Life
The children in the Junior Room have explored the different stages in the Lifecycle of a Frog. They learned that first the frog lays frogspawn from which tadpoles hatch. The tadpoles are black and they have a tail to help them swim. When the tadpole grows arms and legs and a bigger head it becomes a froglet. A froglet still has a tail. When the froglet loses its tail and grows bigger, it becomes an adult frog. The frog is an amphibian, so it can survive on both land and water.
How do we make the colour Green?
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Light
Strand Unit: Light
While we were creating our pictures of frogs, we had a slight problem. Ms. Geraghty gave us blue paint and yellow paint. She forgot to give us green paint for the frogs!!!!! The blue paint was great for the frog pond, but we all knew that frogs are mostly green. We solved the problem by mixing the blue and yellow paint together to get green.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Properties and the Characteristics of Materials
Materials and Change - Mixing, Separating and other Changes
Strand: Enviromental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Science and the Environment
The children in Mr Bourke’s classroom have been learning about different types of soil. On Friday we did an interesting investigation using clay, water and a glass jar. We filled half the jar with soil and the other half with water and left a gap at the top for air. Then we vigorously shook the jar, making sure the lid was on tightly. After leaving the jar for a few hours, we discovered to our surprise that the gravel and sand had sunk to the bottom leaving the clay and water on the top. All in all, it was a very successful investigation.
Strand Unit: Properties and the Characteristics of Materials
Materials and Change - Mixing, Separating and other Changes
Strand: Enviromental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Science and the Environment
The children in Mr Bourke’s classroom have been learning about different types of soil. On Friday we did an interesting investigation using clay, water and a glass jar. We filled half the jar with soil and the other half with water and left a gap at the top for air. Then we vigorously shook the jar, making sure the lid was on tightly. After leaving the jar for a few hours, we discovered to our surprise that the gravel and sand had sunk to the bottom leaving the clay and water on the top. All in all, it was a very successful investigation.
Strand: Data
Strand Units: Recognising and interpreting data,
Representing and interpreting data
Strand Units: Recognising and interpreting data,
Representing and interpreting data
The children in the Junior Room are studying Data. They conducted a survey to find out everyone’s favourite colour. They counted the results and the first class represented the data using giant links. It’s very clear to see that red is the most popular colour in the Junior Room.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
We planted strawberries. We'll post most photos when the fruit appears.
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
We planted strawberries. We'll post most photos when the fruit appears.
Engineers' Week
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Our school participated in the Engineers’ Week Challenge. The challenge was to make a useable chair with cardboard only without using glue or sellotape. We first had to make a plan, the teachers gave us a sheet with a few different examples of ideas you could use to help steady your chair. The winners took two strong pieces of cardboard and slotted them together to make a base (aka legs). For the seat they folded a large piece of cardboard. Mr. Bourke sat on it and it didn’t fall, so it was declared the winner.
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Our school participated in the Engineers’ Week Challenge. The challenge was to make a useable chair with cardboard only without using glue or sellotape. We first had to make a plan, the teachers gave us a sheet with a few different examples of ideas you could use to help steady your chair. The winners took two strong pieces of cardboard and slotted them together to make a base (aka legs). For the seat they folded a large piece of cardboard. Mr. Bourke sat on it and it didn’t fall, so it was declared the winner.
We brought our pictures to life using the app “Quiver”. It was cool to see our pictures becoming animated.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
The children in Ms. Muldoon's Room have explored chromatography. It was very interesting to see to see colour from our markers travel up the paper when placed in water.
Ready set go maths
Strand: Early Mathematical Activities
The Junior Infants have started a new programme in Maths with Ms. Presnail. "Ready Set Go Maths" is a practical programme which involves lots of "hands on" maths activities. The girls really enjoy exploring the strand of Early Mathematical Activities using a variety of concrete materials. The girls realised that they could sort materials in a lot of different ways and they were able to show their parents what they had learned with their "Homework Packs". It's great to learn Maths this way. It's such fun.
The Junior Infants have started a new programme in Maths with Ms. Presnail. "Ready Set Go Maths" is a practical programme which involves lots of "hands on" maths activities. The girls really enjoy exploring the strand of Early Mathematical Activities using a variety of concrete materials. The girls realised that they could sort materials in a lot of different ways and they were able to show their parents what they had learned with their "Homework Packs". It's great to learn Maths this way. It's such fun.
Engineering Projects
The children have recently finished their engineering projects in Ms. Muldoon’s room. This is a competition by STEPS Young Engineer Award and they had to choose a project that will benefit the community. They first had to draw out a plan/design and they then had to make a prototype. They also had a visit from an engineer named Ivan who works for a company called Fraser Ross. The projects were made out of cardboard and they made an indoor football pitch and traffic lights. The class had an amazing time making all the projects and meeting Ivan the engineer.
Science Week
Strand: All Strands
Strand Units: All Strand Units
We all got passwords for a website called “I’m a Scientist Get Me Out of Here”. On this website you can vote for scientists to win 500 euro. You can chat to real scientists and ask them questions. There were five scientists at the start but two were eliminated because they did not receive enough votes. Some classes did live chats with the scientists and asked questions. Mr. Bourke’s class did a live chat with a scientist called Sonia. She answered all the questions that we were dying to ask her. We found out about her job and she told us how she studies about how the brain develops in two year old children
Strand: All Strands
Strand Units: All Strand Units
We all got passwords for a website called “I’m a Scientist Get Me Out of Here”. On this website you can vote for scientists to win 500 euro. You can chat to real scientists and ask them questions. There were five scientists at the start but two were eliminated because they did not receive enough votes. Some classes did live chats with the scientists and asked questions. Mr. Bourke’s class did a live chat with a scientist called Sonia. She answered all the questions that we were dying to ask her. We found out about her job and she told us how she studies about how the brain develops in two year old children
Strand: All Strands
Strand Units: All Strand Units
Ms. Muldoon’s and Mr. Bourke’s rooms took part in a Science Table Quiz. Well done to everybody who took part, especially the winning table.
Strand: All Strands
Strand Units: All Strand Units
Ms. Muldoon’s and Mr. Bourke’s rooms took part in a Science Table Quiz. Well done to everybody who took part, especially the winning table.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
Mr Bourke’s class made their own rockets with cardboard, duct tape and scissors and they went outside and launched them one by one. There was great excitement.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
Mr Bourke’s class made their own rockets with cardboard, duct tape and scissors and they went outside and launched them one by one. There was great excitement.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
The Junior Room discovered with Ms. O'Haire that plasticine usually sinks but will float if formed into a boat shape. Then we measured how many dried peas the boats could carry.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
The Junior Room discovered with Ms. O'Haire that plasticine usually sinks but will float if formed into a boat shape. Then we measured how many dried peas the boats could carry.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Units: Plants and Animals
The Junior Room explored with Ms. Geraghty how plants drink by putting white carnations in water coloured with blue food colouring .
Strand: Living Things
Strand Units: Plants and Animals
The Junior Room explored with Ms. Geraghty how plants drink by putting white carnations in water coloured with blue food colouring .
Strand: Materials
Strand Units: Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
Lauren, Isabella and Ava made some crystals at home from a science kit. Well done girls.
Strand: Materials
Strand Units: Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
Lauren, Isabella and Ava made some crystals at home from a science kit. Well done girls.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Units: Plants and Animals
Ms. Muldoon’s class tested for starch in lots of different food e.g. apples, pasta, bread, biscuits and flour.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Units: Plants and Animals
Ms. Muldoon’s class tested for starch in lots of different food e.g. apples, pasta, bread, biscuits and flour.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials
On Wednesday the 14th we went to the McWilliam Park Hotel in Claremorris. We had to build a bridge using 25 straws and 3 feet of masking tape. Ms. Presnail came with us.
On Monday, we had a trial run in school to see who would get through. We had a class competition first. The students who got through had to put weights on their bridge. We had to put a bag on the bridge. Then we put spoons of rice in the bag.
Team 1 was Fiachra, Danny Callan, Patrick and Darragh Murphy. Team 2 was Jack, Evan, Daragh O’Dea and Luke. The bus left at 12 O'clock. It took half hour to get there. When we got there, there were sweets on the table for us and 4 rulers. We had 40 minutes to build our bridges.
Team 2 had it built in 20 minutes. Team 1 took longer because they were younger. Team 1’s bridge held 131 grams and Team 2’s bridge held 411 grams. Team 2 came second. Team 2 lost by only 1 gram!!!!!!
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces
Properties and Characteristics of Materials
On Wednesday the 14th we went to the McWilliam Park Hotel in Claremorris. We had to build a bridge using 25 straws and 3 feet of masking tape. Ms. Presnail came with us.
On Monday, we had a trial run in school to see who would get through. We had a class competition first. The students who got through had to put weights on their bridge. We had to put a bag on the bridge. Then we put spoons of rice in the bag.
Team 1 was Fiachra, Danny Callan, Patrick and Darragh Murphy. Team 2 was Jack, Evan, Daragh O’Dea and Luke. The bus left at 12 O'clock. It took half hour to get there. When we got there, there were sweets on the table for us and 4 rulers. We had 40 minutes to build our bridges.
Team 2 had it built in 20 minutes. Team 1 took longer because they were younger. Team 1’s bridge held 131 grams and Team 2’s bridge held 411 grams. Team 2 came second. Team 2 lost by only 1 gram!!!!!!
Seashore Safari
Strand: Living Things
Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Plant and Animal Life
Caring for my Environment, Environmental Awareness, Science and the Environment
The Senior Room took part in a “Seashore Safari” at Grattan Beach on Wednesday the 24th of October. We looked for lots of interesting sea creatures including starfish and crabs. The man who gave us the tour was called Padraic. Padraic explained to us how long plastics take to disintegrate. He told us in that in the year 2050 most of the world oceans will have more plastic than fish. He also told us that crabs are usually found under rocks and fish are usually found in the water. It was a really great day.
Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Plant and Animal Life
Caring for my Environment, Environmental Awareness, Science and the Environment
The Senior Room took part in a “Seashore Safari” at Grattan Beach on Wednesday the 24th of October. We looked for lots of interesting sea creatures including starfish and crabs. The man who gave us the tour was called Padraic. Padraic explained to us how long plastics take to disintegrate. He told us in that in the year 2050 most of the world oceans will have more plastic than fish. He also told us that crabs are usually found under rocks and fish are usually found in the water. It was a really great day.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
We sowed tomato seeds last May. Look at our bumper crop now in October.
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
We sowed tomato seeds last May. Look at our bumper crop now in October.
Maths Week
Strand: All Strands
Strand Unit: All Strand Units
Check out our slideshow of some of the activities we did for Maths Week in our school.
Strand Unit: All Strand Units
Check out our slideshow of some of the activities we did for Maths Week in our school.
Google Apps For Education
Strand: All Strands
Strand Unit: All Strand Units
On Wednesday the 3rd of October, a man called Adrian Keena visited the Senior Room. He gave everyone their own email address for school. This email address will be used for school purposes only. Adrian taught us how to apply Google Apps to our devices at home. He showed us how to use our email addresses to make slide shows, pictures and stories and how to get inspiration from Google without losing all your hard work. We made a slide show on Irish Trees. The most popular trees that were chosen were the Oak, the Ash and the Horse Chestnut. There were a selection of different backgrounds for our slide shows. We are looking forward to using this technology in our school.
Strand Unit: All Strand Units
On Wednesday the 3rd of October, a man called Adrian Keena visited the Senior Room. He gave everyone their own email address for school. This email address will be used for school purposes only. Adrian taught us how to apply Google Apps to our devices at home. He showed us how to use our email addresses to make slide shows, pictures and stories and how to get inspiration from Google without losing all your hard work. We made a slide show on Irish Trees. The most popular trees that were chosen were the Oak, the Ash and the Horse Chestnut. There were a selection of different backgrounds for our slide shows. We are looking forward to using this technology in our school.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Units: Forces, Magnetism and Electricity
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
On Friday the 5th of October, the children in the Senior Room watched a video from the E.S.A. (the European Space Agency). The video showed us what’s needed to launch a satellite. Materials have to non-magnetic and lightweight.
We went into different groups to test various materials such as plastic, polystyrene, copper, aluminium, brass, steel, wood, stone and aluminium alloy. We had to test the impact of a marble hitting the materials. The less the marble bounced, the better it would be to make a satellite. We weighed them and tested them for magnetism and electrical conductivity. We divided them into two groups: Heavyweight and Lightweight. Brass was the heaviest and polystyrene was the lightest. After a while we did tests for Thermal Conductivity. Copper, aluminium, brass, steel and aluminium alloy were conductors. The others were insulators. We tested for magnetism. The magnet only stuck to one material and that was steel.
We then watched another video about making satellites. Mr. Bourke told us that it is so expensive to launch a satellite into space that they all have to be tested before launch.
Strand Units: Forces, Magnetism and Electricity
Properties and Characteristics of Materials, Materials and Change
On Friday the 5th of October, the children in the Senior Room watched a video from the E.S.A. (the European Space Agency). The video showed us what’s needed to launch a satellite. Materials have to non-magnetic and lightweight.
We went into different groups to test various materials such as plastic, polystyrene, copper, aluminium, brass, steel, wood, stone and aluminium alloy. We had to test the impact of a marble hitting the materials. The less the marble bounced, the better it would be to make a satellite. We weighed them and tested them for magnetism and electrical conductivity. We divided them into two groups: Heavyweight and Lightweight. Brass was the heaviest and polystyrene was the lightest. After a while we did tests for Thermal Conductivity. Copper, aluminium, brass, steel and aluminium alloy were conductors. The others were insulators. We tested for magnetism. The magnet only stuck to one material and that was steel.
We then watched another video about making satellites. Mr. Bourke told us that it is so expensive to launch a satellite into space that they all have to be tested before launch.
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