A wet, October week. We made a great attempt to train for the Mini Sevens taking place in Kilmaine pitch on Friday, 13th October. Unfortunately it was postponed due to the weather. 4th, 5th and 6th classes had been training hard for the event. We were determined to give it our all, even though the weather was wet and cold. Ms. Geraghty and Mr. Cathal Harte were helping us with the training. They worked on techniques such as solo skills and hand passing, which we found useful. We hope to do well up against the other local schools whenever the Mini Sevens is rescheduled. Our Parents Association have been working on upgrading and improving the pitch.
We had a visit from Miss McAlpine, the Deputy Principal of P.C.H., telling us about an exciting Open Day in Headford next Tuesday. Our sixth class children Lucy, Maeve, Roisin, Alan, Jason and Karl will be heading there. It will be a very exciting day for them. They will try their hand at various subjects including Woodwork, Metalwork, Technical Graphics, German, French, Spanish and pretty much all sports. The sixth class were given resource packs with all the details.
Violin lessons are in full swing.
Violin lessons are in full swing.
We also had a busy IT week. The sixth class did some Peer Tutoring (teaching Miss Muldoon's room how to use the Seesaw app.) I think Seesaw is great. It is very clever because it can make students feel more involved by using comments and likes. You can display pictures of the work that you feel proud of. Also your classmates and teachers can put encouraging comments on your work and even put a like on it! The Senior Room had a great time using the app Kahoot on the ipads. It was competitive but really good fun.
The Junior and Senior Infants in Ms.O’Haire’s room made some scary spooky pumpkin facemasks....Tá Oíche Shamhna ag teacht agus tá na puimcíní reidh.............
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes in Ms. Muldoon’s room were learning about Pablo Picasso. Picasso was a Spanish artist who drew obscure, out of shape pictures. People like his work because the pictures were unique. So we attempted to create our own unique pictures. We drew Picasso type pictures using either witches or Frankenstein,....most of the boys went for Frankenstein while the girls did the witches......Don't they look great with our scarecrows?
We are really looking forward to next week as it is Maths Week. Check out Ms. Presnail’s super display.......
Emma and Conn