Lá Fhéile Bríde
Saint Brigid's Crosses
Today is Saint Brigid's Day. We celebrated our Patron Saint's Day. The children in the middle and senior rooms made Saint Brigid's Crosses from rushes. Fr. Gilligan blessed the crosses. We brought them home to protect our homes and families.
Today is Saint Brigid's Day. We celebrated our Patron Saint's Day. The children in the middle and senior rooms made Saint Brigid's Crosses from rushes. Fr. Gilligan blessed the crosses. We brought them home to protect our homes and families.
Saint Brigid's Cloak
The children in the Junior Room listened to the story of Saint Brigid's Cloak. They had great fun making their own Saint Brigid's Cloak. They used an old scarf belonging to Ms. Geraghty. They stuck lots of coloured crepe paper onto it.
The children in the Junior Room listened to the story of Saint Brigid's Cloak. They had great fun making their own Saint Brigid's Cloak. They used an old scarf belonging to Ms. Geraghty. They stuck lots of coloured crepe paper onto it.
Pop Art
The children in the Senior Room have created some lovely pieces of art using a techique very much associated with the modern artist Andy Warhol. The pictures are very colourful and eyecatching.
The children in 2nd and 3rd classes have been exploring chromatography. Visit our S.T.E.M. page for more details.
Scór na bPáistí
We are very busy preparing for “Scór na bPáistí”. This year we will enter categories such as solo singing, ballad group, sean nós dancing, instrumental group and the léiriú.
Zumba is going great. We love it. It's such a fun way to get fit.
The Credit Union Quiz
Following on from last year's All-Ireland success, we are entering two teams in the first round of the Credit Union Quiz which is taking place in Claremorris on Sunday. Isabella, Danny, Lauren and Luke are on the Junior Team and Eleanor, Conn, Eoin and Jack are on the Senior Team. Good luck everyone!