What a surprise when we walked in today and saw all these Christmas shoe boxes stacked up in the hallway. We always participate in the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal, trying to help children who get nothing at all. There seemed to be a lot. In fact there were 56 boxes....It was so lovely to see how much effort people put into them. Well done everybody!
Ms. O’ Haire’s class did lovely winter worksheets for their winter display. They drew snow men with hats and scarves and they also drew lots of snowflakes.
This week we started Power Soccer. It was great fun. We did lots of activities. It was excellent to see everyone getting active outside. Our new trainer’s name is Martin.
Winter has come and it’s now November, the month in which we remember our loved ones who have passed away. In their memory, Ms. Geraghty’s class made Celtic crosses with their loved one's names on them. We say prayers for them every day.
Winter has come and it’s now November, the month in which we remember our loved ones who have passed away. In their memory, Ms. Geraghty’s class made Celtic crosses with their loved one's names on them. We say prayers for them every day.
Last Wednesday we did the raft challenge. We had thirty minutes, fifty lollipops sticks, twenty elastic bands and our brains to build a raft that could float and carry marbles. The two rafts that carried the most marbles won. Hayley, Grace, Tom, Jack, Stephen and Eóin were the winners.
Great effort everyone!
Ms Muldoon’s class did animal projects this week on Irish mammals. They researched information on a lot of mammals including badgers and pygmy shrews .They typed out our projects and choose suitable pictures. Then the projects were laminated and put on display in the school hallway. One interesting fact from Lauren was that the Pygmy shrew has venomous saliva but the saliva does not harm humans.
Great effort everyone!
Ms Muldoon’s class did animal projects this week on Irish mammals. They researched information on a lot of mammals including badgers and pygmy shrews .They typed out our projects and choose suitable pictures. Then the projects were laminated and put on display in the school hallway. One interesting fact from Lauren was that the Pygmy shrew has venomous saliva but the saliva does not harm humans.
We started rehearsing for our Christmas plays. The infants, 1st and 2nd classes are doing one play and the senior room and 3rd class are doing another. The songs are bright and feel good. It’s early days and no parts have been assigned yet.
Faith and Hayley
Faith and Hayley