It is the month of May now and it is a month dedicated to Mary, the mother of God. This week we have all started preparing for the First Holy Communion which will take place on Saturday, the 18th of May at 12:00 noon. We have been singing, practising violin and practising tin whistle. We are all enjoying the preparation for the communion and second class are very excited for their special day. The second class have been going down to the church and practising their prayers, singing and going through the communion mass. There are nine children making their Communion this year. Everyone in the school is excited to participate in the choir and help with the music instruments.
This is the beginning of the final term in this school year. We like to keep our school looking nice so we did some planting this week.
This is the beginning of the final term in this school year. We like to keep our school looking nice so we did some planting this week.
Mayo Day
Friday the 3rd of May was Mayo day at our school and everyone had their Mayo jerseys and hoodies on. This is an annual event and it’s extra special this year as the Mayo senior team is heading to New York to play them in the Connacht quarter final. There are 10,000 Mayo fans travelling for the match! The last time Mayo played New York they beat them by 22 points. The junior infants, senior infants and first class made Mayo jerseys. Let’s hope Mayo have a really good game at Gaelic Park.
A visit from Agri Aware
This week we had a visitor at school who taught us about farm safety. Her name was Alma and she came from Agri Aware. She talked about being safe on the farm. She said stay clear of tractors because they are dangerous and she said to also be wary of bulls. She warned us about the dangers of cows especially if they have just given birth. We went through the different types of signs we usually see on a farm. It was a very informative and enjoyable morning.
Fire Safety
On Friday, the 3rd of May, a representative from Ballinrobe Fire Brigade came to speak to the children in Ms. Muldoon’s room about fire safety. He told us the ways that fire can start in our houses. Some of the dangerous things that can start a fire are deep fat fryers, cables and when you leave your heating on. He also told us ways to extinguish fires such as a fire blanket and fire extinguishers. He brought in gear. He showed us a helmet, a coat and a breathing apparatus. He told us that his gear can withstand up to 600 C. We all had an amazing time with the fireman, and he gave us lots of tips to be safe. We hope he comes again
Bee Bots
We have just received these 'Bee-Bots' on loan from Mayo Education Centre. These little robots will help us to learn coding, sequencing, estimation, and problem-solving in a fun-filled way. We will be recording our adventures with these little creatures on our STEM page so remember to check back over the next few weeks.